Starting Fuseki and Skosmos

Starting Fuseki in Linux


1. Start Apache web server

(Assuming that Apache server is running by default.)

If Apache server is not running, we can start it with: $service httpd start

If we have to restart, then use: $service httpd restart

2. Extending the heap for the JVM

It is worth extending the JVM heap to 8 GB or to 16 Gb $export JVM_ARGS=-Xmx8000M or $export JVM_ARGS=-Xmx16000M

3. Start Jena Fuseki

  1. Open a command prompt and cd into apache-jena-fuseki directory (e.g. cd /var/www/fuseki)
  2. Run Fuseki Server from the command prompt: ./fuseki-server (or java -jar ./fuseki-server.jar)

It is very important to change the directory to the fuseki folder before starting fuseki, otherwise fuseki will not run correctly (E.g. by starting the web UI of fuseki "Error 404: Not Found" message can be expected.)

Other solution is to set the variable FUSEKI_BASE (see

Options for starting Fuseki

Basically, there are two options for starting Fuseki, depending on the location where the dataset will be stored and handled. The dataset can be either in the memory or in a separate directory (usually called tdb). If the dataset is in a separate directory, the index files are stored in a separate folder (usually called lucene), too.

  • The --mem /ds option is a shorthand for running Fuseki without a configuration file (--file is similar too) and data set will be in the memory
  • If you need a configuration file to use jena-text you must use the --config config-file (e.g --config config-tdb-text.ttl) option
  • The --update option is allowing updates

After starting the server the last INFO will tell us the port (e.g. 3030), where the server is available.

Starting Fuseki in Windows

1. Start Apache web server

  1. Launch XAMPP Control Panel
  2. Start the Apache web server
  3. Start a web browser
  4. Check if the Apache web server is running: open http://localhost/ (You should first try »Status« on the left navigation to make sure everything works fine, i.e. PHP must be activated.)

2. Start Jena Fuseki

(to be edited)

  1. Open a command prompt and cd into apache-jena-fuseki directory (cd c:\apache-jena-fuseki-2.3.0)
  2. Run Fuseki Server from the command prompt: fuseki-server --update --mem /ds (--update --mem / ds options mean that allowing updates data set will be in the memory.) (After starting the server the last INFO will tell us the port (e.g. 3030), where the server is available.)
  3. To check if the Fuseki Server is running open the control panel from the browser: http://localhost:3030/ and see if in the top right corner the Server status: is a green disk.

Options for starting Fuseki

  • The --mem option is a shorthand for running Fuseki without a configuration file (--file is similar too)
  • If you need a configuration file to use jena-text so you must use

    ./fuseki-server --config jena-text-config.ttl

  • If you use the init script (/etc/init.d/fuseki), then the FUSEKI_CONF= environment variable is used to set the configuration file. But if you just run Fuseki from the command line, you need to use the --conf option.

3. Adding vocabularies to Fuseki server (in case of local vocabularies)

In order to read (preferably checked vocabularies (e.g. checked_resource_types.xml or checked_tgn_7011179.rdf) into the Fuseki server use the control panel of the Fuseki server from a browser: http://localhost:3030/

  1. click on the "add data" button in the middle
  2. on the next page (Upload files) click on the "+ select files" button in the middle
  3. select the vocabulary (e.g. checked_resource_types.xml or checked_tgn_7011179.rdf) file from the c:\xampp\htdocs\skosmos\vocabularies dictionary
  4. click on the "upload now" button

Start Skosmos locally

Enter in the address bar of your web browser http://localhost/skosmos If you receive the error message: "Error: Dependencies managed by Composer missing. Please run "php composer.phar install", then set up PHP dependencies again. (It may happen after downloading a new version of Skosmos.)

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