Using the Classification Server online

You can start the Classification Sever under the URL from any web browser.

Currently you can access four general on-line classifications from external triple stores (AGROVOC, Eurovoc, STW, UNESCO), some other general local classifications (e.g. COAR Resource Type Vocabulary, GND, ÖFOS, etc.) and two local, Phaidra specific classifications. The local classifications have been previously uploaded to our local triple store.

The usage of the Classification Server is quite simple: from the opening page of Skosmos you simply have to click on one of the classifications, and then the selected classification will be opened. You can see its vocabulary information, and you can select between alphabetical and hierarchical view. Depending on the configuration you can see the change history of the vocabulary or the group of concepts. You can also search specific contents directly in our entire triple store server, or simply in the selected classification.

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