
How to install the oaiprovider, Fedora's OAI-PMH interface.

  1. Generate Identify.xml

    cd /var/www/static.phaidra/proai/
  2. Copy xlink-1999.xsd to /usr/share/tomcat6/

  3. Download the oaiprovider from github

    cd /home/<you>
    mkdir oaibuild && cd oaibuild
    wget https://github.com/fcrepo/oaiprovider/archive/master.zip
    unzip master
  4. To build it you might need to install ant and ant-trax1

    yum install ant
    yum install ant-trax
  5. Build it

    cd oaiprovider-master
    ant release
  6. Extract it

    cd dist
    mkdir extract && cd extract
    jar -xf ../oaiprovider.war
  7. Get the configuration from repository and run the template processing

    svn export https://svn.phaidra.univie.ac.at/phaidra/branches/release_2.9/config/oaiprovider-1.1.3/WEB-INF/ --force
  8. Pack it up

    jar -cf ../oaiprovider.war .
  9. And put it to webapps

    cp ../oaiprovider.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps
  10. Check catalina.out for deploy errors

    less /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out
  11. Check proai log

    less /usr/local/fedora/server/logs/proai.log


MPT triplestore

If the instance should use mpt store as triplestore, you have to add the patched one (as for 2013-10-04). You can get it here, build it into eg mptstore-0.9.6-SNAPSHOT-phaidra.jar, then

sudo rm oaiprovider-master/lib/mptstore-0.9.3.jar
sudo cp mptstore-0.9.6-SNAPSHOT-phaidra.jar oaiprovider-master/lib/

then edit the oaiprovider-master/build.properties file to change the path to the library

lib.mptstore = lib/mptstore-0.9.6-SNAPSHOT-phaidra.jar

Creating sets

  • Create a collection, say o:123
  • Go to /commandline

    ./phaidra_config_proai_set.pl o:123 <setSpec> <setName> (./phaidra_config_proai_set.pl o:123 test_collection "Test Collection")

    setName is a freetext description. setSpec defines the set name for the oaiprovider.

  • Objects then can be harvested using eg &set=ec_fundedresources parameter. Eg.:


results matching ""

    No results matching ""